Raventross is a 350+ page aviation adventure; flying action, thrills, suspense, mystery, even a love story. The plot revolves around the highly classified, very black project which is often sinister with huge implications and danger for the entire planet. Although this amazing story could not have been told until now, it has been acclaimed by critics to have the excitement of Star Chamber, Foxfire, and Top Gun all rolled into one. The characters, the times, and the places are all real. The intentions, the risks, and the stakes are high. Raventross definitely “pushes the envelope.”
Raventross - $12.50 & $3.65 S&H (Nevada +$1.01 sales tax)
Raventross - US$12.50 & US$17.50 S&H
Frigatefire is a continuation of the amazing aviation adventure of Raventross. The Raventross Team tries to put their past and potentially catastrophic project behind them, but the ultra-secret cabal and the team’s unforeseen destiny forces them into even more spell binding action, suspense, danger, international espionage, and betrayal at the highest level. Global events over which they have no control put their lives and loves on the line and catapult them into bigger risks and higher stakes. Frigatefire continues to “push the envelope.”
Frigatefire - $12.95 & $3.65 S&H (Nevada +$1.05 sales tax)
Frigatefire - US$12.95 & US$17.50 S&H
The amazing and daring aviation adventure launched by the Cabal in Raventross, and persistently continued in Frigatefire, has a life of its own and refuses to die. The high stakes of personal risk, several years of Spartan dedication, and the huge sums of cabal capital, wagered to maintain a terrible secret of great consequence to the world, have made it unthinkable for the Raventross team to fold their cards and walk away. In Backgannet, the team encounters more international intrigue, seemingly insurmountable evil, and physical dangers that propel the story far below the surface… pushing the envelope even further.
Backgannet- $12.95 & $3.65 S&H (Nevada +$1.05 sales tax)
Backgannet- US$12.95 & US$17.50 S&H
Cabal of Clairvaux Trilogy- $29.95 & $6.05 S&H (Nevada +$2.47 sales tax)
Cabal of Clairvaux Trilogy- $29.95 & US$55.00 S&H